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What are the best muscle-building workouts for beginners? Are you tempted to start weight lifting because you want to get stronger, build lean muscle mass, or just look good naked? If so, then the following article is for you. Here are some of the best workouts for beginners who want to start building muscle. #1 The dumbbell curl #2 The barbell curl #3 Dumbbell bench press #4 Barbell bench press #5 Dumbbell shoulder press #6 Barbell shoulder press #7 Dumbbel bent over row #8 8 Barbel bent over row. What are the best muscle-building workouts for beginners?Are you tempted to start weight lifting because you want to get stronger, build lean muscle mass, or just look good naked? If so, then the following article is for you. Here are some of the best workouts for beginners who want to start building muscle. The following workouts are based on the principles of increasing intensity by reducing rest periods between sets. This intensity-based method is much more effective at increasing strength and muscular size than your typical bodybuilding workout where you rest as long as you feel like it. This is because rest times between sets allow for excess lactic acid buildup, which reduces strength and muscular size. When you apply this principle to weight training, you sacrifice the pump you get from endurance training and in return gain more muscular size and strength. In the following workouts, your rest periods between sets should be 15 to 60 seconds. You can use up to 3 minutes of rest if you wish. The abbreviations at the top of the workouts indicate the total amount of rest you should use. The following workouts are based on the principles of increasing intensity by reducing rest periods between sets. This intensity-based method is much more effective at increasing strength and muscular size than your typical bodybuilding workout where you rest as long as you feel like it. This is because rest times between sets allow for excess lactic acid buildup, which reduces strength and muscular size. When you apply this principle to weight training, you sacrifice the pump you get from endurance training and in return gain more muscular size and strength. In the following workouts, your rest periods between sets should be 15 to 60 seconds. You can use up to 3 minutes of rest if you wish. The abbreviations at the top of the workouts indicate the total amount of rest you should use.The following advice was given to me by a competitive bodybuilder who has worked with too many beginners to count: "Don't waste your time trying to lose fat while gaining muscle. 16cfa1e7782054