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Carmen Chindris si Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sarutat - Streaming si download pe Qobuz

, , , , , or . The tag defines the most important heading, while the tag defines the least important heading. For example, you can write: This is a main heading

This is a subheading

This is a sub-subheading

- To create a table, you can use the tag, which defines the table element. Inside the tag, you can use the tag, which defines a table row, and the tag, which defines a table cell. For example, you can write:

First name

Last name





- To add a border to your table, you can use the border attribute in the tag. For example, you can write:

- To add some space between the cells and the border, you can use the cellpadding attribute in the tag. For example, you can write:

- To add some space between the cells, you can use the cellspacing attribute in the tag. For example, you can write:

- To add a header to your table, you can use the tag, which defines a table header cell. The tag is similar to the tag, but it makes the text bold and centered by default. You can use the tag inside a tag, just like the tag. For example, you can write:

First name

Last name

- To make a header span multiple columns or rows, you can use the colspan or rowspan attribute in the tag. The colspan attribute specifies how many columns a header cell should span, while the rowspan attribute specifies how many rows a header cell should span. For example, you can write:



First name

Last name

- To add a caption to your table, you can use the tag, which defines a table caption. The tag should be placed immediately after the opening tag. The caption will appear above or below the table, depending on your browser settings. For example, you can write:

This is a sample table

What is Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat (The day you kissed me) is a popular song by Carmen Chindriș and Taraful Rutenilor, a Romanian folk band. The song was released in 2020 and it is a cover of an old traditional song from the region of Maramureș, in northern Romania. The song is about a woman who remembers the day her lover kissed her and how happy she was.

Who is Carmen ChindriÈ™?

Carmen ChindriÈ™ is a young Romanian singer who specializes in folk music from MaramureÈ™. She was born in 1998 and she started singing at the age of 6. She has participated in various national and international festivals and competitions, winning many awards and prizes. She is also a student at the Music Academy in Cluj-Napoca, where she studies vocal performance. She collaborates with Taraful Rutenilor, a band that plays traditional instruments such as violin, cimbalom, accordion, and double bass.

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Who is Taraful Rutenilor?

Taraful Rutenilor is a Romanian folk band that was founded in 2015 by IonuÈ› Gheorghe, a violinist and composer. The band consists of six members who play various traditional instruments such as violin, cimbalom, accordion, double bass, clarinet, and saxophone. The band's name means "The Band of the Ruthenians", which is a reference to the ethnic group that lives in MaramureÈ™ and other parts of Eastern Europe. The band's repertoire includes songs from MaramureÈ™, Transylvania, Moldova, Banat, and other regions of Romania.

Why should you listen to Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

There are many reasons why you should listen to Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat. Here are some of them:

  • The song is a beautiful example of Romanian folk music, which has a rich and diverse history and culture. The song combines elements of traditional music from MaramureÈ™, such as the melodic structure, the rhythm, the lyrics, and the vocal style, with modern influences, such as the arrangement, the production, and the video.

  • The song is a catchy and romantic tune that will make you feel happy and nostalgic. The song expresses the joy and love that the woman feels for her lover, who kissed her on a sunny day. The song also evokes the beauty and simplicity of life in the countryside, where people are close to nature and to each other.

  • The song is performed by talented and passionate musicians who have a great chemistry and harmony. Carmen ChindriÈ™ has a sweet and powerful voice that conveys emotion and authenticity. Taraful Rutenilor has a skillful and energetic style that creates a lively and festive atmosphere. Together, they create a unique and original sound that blends tradition and innovation.

How can you download Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

If you want to download Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat, you have several options. Here are some of them:

Download options for Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat





You can watch the official video of the song on Youtube and use a Youtube downloader tool to save it as an mp3 file on your device.


You can visit this website that offers free downloads of manele songs, which are a genre of Romanian pop-folk music. You can find the song under the category of Manele Vechi (Old Manele) and download it as an mp3 file.


You can visit this website that offers high-quality downloads of music in various formats, such as mp3, FLAC, or WAV. You can find the song under the category of World Music and download it for a fee.



Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat is a wonderful song that showcases the beauty and diversity of Romanian folk music. The song is a tribute to the traditional music from Maramureș, a region that has a rich and unique culture and history. The song is also a celebration of love and happiness, as the woman recalls the day her lover kissed her and made her feel special. The song is performed by Carmen Chindriș and Taraful Rutenilor, two talented and passionate artists who have a great synergy and creativity. The song is available for download on various platforms, such as Youtube,, or Qobuz. If you are looking for a catchy and romantic tune that will make you smile and dance, you should definitely listen to Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat.


What does Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat mean in English?

Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat means The day you kissed me in English.

What genre of music is Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

The song is a folk song that belongs to the genre of MaramureÈ™ music, which is a type of Romanian folk music that originates from the region of MaramureÈ™.

Who wrote Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

The song is a cover of an old traditional song from MaramureÈ™, so the original author is unknown. The cover version was arranged by IonuÈ› Gheorghe, the leader of Taraful Rutenilor.

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Where can I watch the video of Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

You can watch the official video of the song on Youtube, by following this link: [Youtube].

How popular is Carmen Chindriș și Taraful Rutenilor - Ziua-n care tu m-ai sărutat?

The song is very popular among Romanian folk music fans and has received over 4 million views on Youtube. The song has also been praised by critics and reviewers for its quality and authenticity. 44f88ac181

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